
頂聖如来 H.H.第三世多杰羌佛的聖量





頂聖如来 H.H.第三世多杰羌佛的聖量-預知時辰,結印坐化.jpg







      我母親趙賢雲,1991年5月病危入住成都市八醫院。主治醫生邱仁祺教授檢查後,確診心、肝、脾、肺、腎均已衰竭。幾天後,母親呈半昏迷狀態,邱教授通知我們準備後事,不可耽誤。我和慧漢達師兄急忙趕到佛陀上師的下榻處,請求佛陀上師留住我母親,學法後再 往升。起初佛陀上師不答應,說:「我沒有這個本事把要死的人留下來。」我們堅信只有佛陀上師能辦到,就長跪不起,苦苦哀求。慧漢達師兄說:「現在天氣炎熱,遺體腐爛得快,不利於做佛事,求佛陀上師留到秋涼十月間吧!」我痛哭流涕,苦求佛陀上師,佛陀上師才 說:「我試一試吧!儘量吧!」 


      謝了佛陀恩師,我們急忙趕回醫院,奇蹟出現了,母親清醒了,一醒來就喊餓,竟然吃了一大碗肉圓湯。邱教授一檢查,心肝脾肺腎的功能都恢復正常了,教授驚奇萬分,說這簡直是奇蹟!由於母親已沒有病了,三天後,母親出院了。佛陀上師把我塵緣已盡的母親留了 下來,並傳給了她密法。 


      轉眼到了9月30日,佛陀上師突然通知我:「你媽媽10月5日要圓寂了。」我大吃一驚,又求佛陀上師多留母親一段時間,佛陀上師訶斥我:「你們當初要求就是留到秋涼,大概是你母親練了靜坐佛法病好了,我哪裡留得了她?上一次你媽媽是到閻王那裡報到,但這一次 是去極樂世界,是去好地方嘛!」我趕快回家再多陪母親幾天。 


      10月2日下午三點過,成都的周師兄陪同佛陀上師來我家,佛陀上師為我母親開示:「我們學佛修行的目的就是要成為最善良的人, 幫助他人幸福,了生脫死,脫離輪迴。去極樂世界就脫離輪迴了,極樂世界好得很,思衣得衣,思食得食,還要聽聞阿彌陀佛講佛法。」 母親問佛陀上師:「佛陀上師啊!極樂世界的風景好不好呢?」佛陀上師說:「你看過成都青羊宮的燈會沒有?極樂世界的風景比燈會好百千萬倍都不止……」佛陀上師開示了很多有關極樂世界的妙境,我母親越聽越高興,恨不得馬上就去極樂世界,母親還對我說:「我還沒有老鞋(專給過世的人穿的平口步鞋)呢!」大家都笑了。 









      10點過,母親突然從床上坐起,叫大家趕快唸佛,自己則打上了盤腿,結起了佛陀上師傳給她的秘密手印開始修法,很快就快沒有氣了,我們叫她,她也無法應聲了,糟了!媽媽死了!全家人慌成一團,就在這時11點過,佛陀上師來了。佛陀上師開始修法,我坐在門口護壇,才過了十分鐘,突然,天空出現五光十色的祥雲,圍繞著觀世音菩薩降臨!這時,我家的房頂上忽然升起一團蓮花般的白光霧, 白霧中放出雪白的光芒,我媽媽盤腿結印坐在白光中,有時看得到,有時又不見,慢慢升到觀世音菩薩的方向,觀世音菩薩駕著白雲帶著我母親漸漸升空遠去了。我被眼前的聖境感動著,望著天空,呆若木雞,突然耳邊響起佛陀上師的聲音:「你媽媽已經往升了!」我這才回過神來,房間裡,母親依舊紅光滿面,面帶微笑,盤腿結著手印坐在床上。我們伸手到離母親頭頂一寸高的地方,哎呀!簡直像蒸氣一 樣,熱氣直往上沖,這是往升極樂世界的人才有的現象!全家都非常高興,與媽媽照相留念。去相館沖洗時,相館師傅說:「這位婆婆在念佛啊!」他根本不知道那是已經圓寂的法體。 




      鄰居朱婆婆,跟我家素無往來。朱婆婆告訴李孝蓮師姐,她5號上午看見觀世音菩薩出現在天空,接走了一位老婆婆,李師姐便帶她來到我家,朱婆婆一見我母親的法體便激動地說:「對!對!對!就是這個婆婆,我看見觀世音菩薩接走的就是這個婆婆!」消息傳開, 附近的居士們成群結隊地來瞻仰我母親,我家被擠得水泄不通,人來人往。鄰居蒲先生說:「這家人哪裡像在辦喪事,我看他們比嫁女兒、娶媳婦辦喜事還熱鬧,還高興!」 






      第二天一早荼毗時,我們五、六十位親戚和師兄弟們,親眼看見母親的法體旁邊全是金色的火蓮花圍繞,額頭、喉部、心輪處燒出了白紅藍三種顏色的種子字,在場的人無不歡欣鼓舞,信心倍增,更是感念佛陀上師的恩德,將我母親送到極樂世界!當今世上,有哪一個 大活佛、大法師能提前預知別人的圓寂時辰分秒不差?誰能把壽緣已盡的人想留多久就留多久?誰能說請哪位佛菩薩來接引就是哪位佛菩薩來接引?這一切,都只有在三世多杰羌佛的教授下才會出現啊!


佛弟子 赤烈爾



Time of Death Predicted, 

Passing Away in Cross-Legged Meditative Posture with Hands in Mudra


       My name is Chi Lie Er, a disciple of H.H. Dorje Chang Buddha III Wan Ko Yeshe Norbu Holiest Tathagata. I would like to make a solemn vow. If all that I describe in the following is for the purpose of deceiving living beings and misleading living beings into taking an evil path, I will descend into Varjra Hell! If all that I describe is true and authentic, I will be liberated and will attain great accomplishment, and living beings will enjoy good fortune. 


       In May of 1991, my mother, Xianyun Zhao, was critically ill and was taken to the Eighth Hospital in Chengdu City. After examination by the Chief Resident, Professor Qiu, it was confirmed that her heart, liver, spleen, lungs and kidneys were all failing. A few days later, she was in a partial coma. Professor Qiu notified us to prepare for her funeral arrangements without delay. 


       Brother Hui Han Da and I rushed over to where the Buddha Master resided and pleaded with the Buddha Master to keep my mother alive until she learned dharma. At first, the Buddha Master did not agree and said, “I do not have the ability to keep a dying person alive.” Firmly believing that only the Buddha Master could make this happen, we knelt down for a long time without getting up, begging piteously and earnestly. Brother Hui Han Da said, “The weather is very hot now. The remains get rotten very quickly, which is not advantageous for performing certain Buddhist rituals. I beseech the Buddha Master to keep our mother alive until it is the cool weather of fall in October!” I cried my heart out and piteously begged the Buddha Master. The Buddha Master then said, “I will try! I will do my best! However, this is against the laws of impermanence, and I do not have such merit at all.” 


       After expressing my appreciation to my respected Master, we hurried back to the hospital. A miracle had happened! My mother regained consciousness. As soon as she was conscious, she was hungry, asking for food. To my surprise, she ate a large bowl of meatball soup. Professor Qiu did an examination on her and found the function of her heart, liver, spleen, lungs, and kidneys had returned to normal. The professor was extremely surprised and said this was a miracle indeed! Because my mother was no longer ill, she left the hospital three days later. The Buddha Master had kept my mother, whose karmic condition with this world was about to end, alive and transmitted to her the dharma of Esoteric Buddhism. 


       With time going by so fast, it was soon September 30th. Unexpectedly, the Buddha Master notified me, “Your mother is going to pass away on October 5th.” This was a big surprise to me, and once again I begged the Buddha Master to prolong her life for another period of time. The Buddha Master scolded me. “Originally, you pleaded to keep your mother alive until the fall when it was cool. Perhaps it is because your mother has practiced meditation and Buddha-dharma that she has recovered from her illness. How can I keep her alive? Besides, last time your mother was going to Yama (the deity who is the ruler of Hell). This time your mother will go to the Western Paradise of Ultimate Bliss. She is going to a wonderful place!” I hurried back home to stay with my mother for a few more days. 


       On October 2nd, just after 3:00 p.m., Brother Zhou from Chengdu accompanied the Buddha Master to my house. The Buddha Master expounded the following dharma to my mother. “The purpose of learning Buddhism and cultivation is to become a more benevolent person who furthers the well-being of others, ends the sufferings of life and death, and attains liberation from the cycle of reincarnation. Going to the Western Paradise of Ultimate Bliss is attaining liberation from the cycle of reincarnation. The Western Paradise of Ultimate Bliss is a very wonderful place. When you think of clothes, you will have the clothes. When you think of food, you will have the food. Also, you can listen to Amitabha Buddha expound the Buddha-dharma.” My mother asked the Buddha Master, “Buddha Master! How is the scenery of the Western Paradise of Ultimate Bliss?” The Buddha Master said, “Have you seen the lamp festival of Qing Yang Temple in Chengdu? The scenery in the Western Paradise of Ultimate Bliss is hundreds and thousands of times better.” The Buddha Master continued to expound many wonderful states in the Western Paradise of Ultimate Bliss. The more my mother listened, the happier she became. She could not wait to visit the Western Paradise of Ultimate Bliss. She even said to me, “I haven’t prepared the old shoes yet (special shoes made for people who pass away).” Everyone laughed. 


       Brother Zhou asked, “Buddha Master! Why did you give the elderly mother discourses on all those subjects today?” The Buddha Master replied, “She is going to the Western Paradise of Ultimate Bliss. And, not only that, she is going to pass away in a cross-legged meditative posture!” 


       The same evening, we returned with my mother to the old house in Xin Fan for a family reunion and farewell gathering. Several dozens of relatives and friends had come. My mother played cards with the guests until 12 o’clock at night and then rested. The relatives saw that my mother’s health was in a very good condition. Her face was rosy and radiant. She talked and laughed merrily. No one would ever believe that she was going to pass away in three days. The next day, after arranging for a photographer to come over and take pictures of the whole family, we headed back to Chengdu. 


       On the afternoon of October 4th, Brother Hui Han Da asked the Buddha Master, “Will my mother-in-law pass away tonight? Where will be the best place for her to pass away?” The Buddha Master replied, “It has to wait until tomorrow. The best place to go is Jewel Street because of the courtyard, where it will be convenient to perform Buddhist rituals.” Brother Hui Han Da pleaded to the Buddha Master to stay and assist my mother in practicing dharma. But the Buddha Master did not agree and said, “A minute before she is going to pass away, I will come.” In the evening, we walked with my mother to 33 Jewel Street. All of the brothers and sisters came, surrounding her bed and preparing to see my mother off. The entire family happily chatted until the next morning. 


       Some time after 9 o’clock on the morning of October 5th, the Buddha Master came to Jewel Street to make other Buddhist arrangements. Brother Hui Han Da asked the Buddha Master, “The spirit of my mother-in-law is still very well. She just ate her breakfast, and her face was radiant and rosy. Is this a sign of a sudden spurt of vigor just before death and is she ready to leave?” The Buddha Master said, “What does it have to do with a sudden spurt of vigor just before her death? The time has not come yet. When it is the time, Buddhas and Bodhisattvas will arrive and escort her away. I have promised your mother-in-law that I will personally see her off in her last minute.” 


       It was just past 10 o’clock. All of a sudden, my mother sat up from the bed and called everyone to recite immediately the name of Amitabha Buddha. She then arranged herself in the cross-legged meditative posture, applied the secret mudra that the Master had transmitted to her, and began practicing dharma. Very soon, she was out of breath. We called her, but she could not respond to us anymore. Too bad! My mother had died! 


       All of the family members hurried around. It was just past 11 o’clock. The Buddha Master came. The Buddha Master started to practice dharma. I sat by the door protecting the altar. About ten minutes later, suddenly, auspicious and colorful clouds appeared in the sky surrounding the arrival of Kuan Yin Bodhisattva! At this time, abruptly from the top of my house came a cloud of fog containing beams of white light that rose up and appeared just like a lotus flower. Amidst the white fog, which was emitting snow white light beams, my mother was sitting with her hands held in a mudra and maintaining the cross-legged meditative posture. Sometimes this scene could be seen, but sometimes it could not be seen. Slowly, the light rose toward the direction of Kuan Yin Bodhisattva. Kuan Yin Bodhisattva joined the white cloud and escorted my mother, gradually rising up to the sky and into the distance. I was so moved by the holy state in front of my eyes that I stared at the sky dumbstruck. All of a sudden, I heard the voice of the Buddha Master, “Your mother has already been reborn in the Western Paradise of Ultimate Bliss!” At that moment, I retuned to normal. 


       In the room, my mother’s face was still rosy and radiant with a smile. She was sitting on the bed in a cross-legged meditative posture and holding her hands in a mudra. We reached our hands to about an inch above the top of my mother’s head. My goodness! It was exactly like hot steam, and it went straight up. This was a sign that only applied to people reborn to the Western Paradise of Ultimate Bliss. Everyone was all very happy and took pictures with my mother. When sending films to be developed, the person in the shop said, “This elderly lady is reciting the name of Buddha!” He did not realize that it was the dharma remains (corpse) of my mother who had already passed away. 


       The elderly lady Zhu, a neighbor, never socialized with us. She told Sister Xiaolian Li that she saw that Kuan Yin Bodhisattva had appeared in the sky to escort an elderly lady on the afternoon of the 5th. Therefore, Sister Li brought her to my house. Just at the time the elderly lady Zhu saw my mother’s dharma remains (body), she became excited and said, “Right! Right! Right! This was the elderly lady. This elderly lady is exactly the one I saw when Kuan Yin Bodhisattva escorted her away.” The news spread. Group by group, the nearby laypersons came over to look at my mother with reverence. My house was so crowded not even a drop of water could tickle through. People constantly came and left. Mr. Pu, another neighbor, said, “They do not look like they are having a funeral. I even think that they are more cheerful and happier than when they had a wedding in their house.” 


       On October 11th, we requested that Great Dharma Teacher Pu Cheng come over to place my mother’s body in a upright Buddhist casket. As soon as he entered the door and saw my mother, he uttered, “Amitabha!” and said, “Elderly sister, you have encountered authentic Buddhas and Bodhisattvas to liberate you. Another disciple of Master Yee 1 again! Look at you. You passed away in a cross-legged meditative posture and hold the Great Mudra of Three Jewels. This is truly incredible! I have stayed in the Bao Guang Temple for dozens of years and have been in charge of placing cremated remains in shrines. I have placed in shrines a lot of remains of great dharma teachers and monks. Except for the great layman Wang, I have never seen such extraordinary signs as this elderly laywoman has shown.” 


       During the escorting of my mother to the Bao Guang Temple for cremation, the sounds of celestial music and celestial drums accompanied the motorcade from Chengdu to Bao Guang Temple. These sounds lasted for about forty minutes and got louder and louder. We all put our palms together with endless appreciation and respect. What was magical was that we did not even turn on any electrical sounds in the cars at all! 


       In the early morning of the next day during cremation, fifty or sixty relatives and fellow disciples personally witnessed that surrounding the side of my mother’s dharma remains (corpse) were golden fire lotus flowers. During the cremation, seed characters in white, red and blue emanated from her forehead, throat, and heart areas. All of the people attending were joyful, encouraged, and gained a lot of faith from this. We especially appreciated and thought of the virtue and kindness of our Buddha Master, who sent my mother to the Western Paradise of Ultimate Bliss! 


       In today’s world, are there any great rinpoches or dharma teachers who can predict the time of someone’s death and be absolutely correct to the exact minute? Who can keep alive a person whose lifespan has come to an end? Who can say that he can request a particular Buddha or Bodhisattva to escort someone away and that particular Buddha or Bodhisattva will comply? All these things can only be demonstrated in the results of the teachings of H.H. Dorje Chang Buddha III!


Buddhist disciple, 

Chi Lie Er





南無 第三世多杰羌佛




頂聖如来 H.H.第三世多杰羌佛的聖量 預知時辰,結印坐化









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