一九九六年中的一天,為了上牌照的原因,雲高益西諾布佛陀上師的一輛汽車要拓發動機號碼,因為我們自己拓不下來,所以,我在成都新華西路19號向佛陀上師報告說要將車子開到車管所去,他們有專門的機器可以拓發動機號碼。佛陀上師一聽到我說到汽車要開出門,馬上打斷我的話,對我說:『德和,你趕快出去,喊小禹不要把車子開走了,快快快!』聽到佛陀上師這麼著急,我急忙跑出大門, 看到唐小禹他們的車子剛剛起步走了,但是因為街上太吵鬧,他們沒有聽見我的喊聲,我跑了幾步追不上車子,看到他們右轉彎把車子開走了,我回來向佛陀上師報告說:『我攆不上了,我看到他們開走的,但是他們聽不到我的喊聲。』佛陀上師便說:『糟糕,完蛋了。』 我問有什麼事,我能做什麼?佛陀上師說:『什麼也做不了,等著不好的事發生吧。』然後,佛陀上師老人家便不講一句話。
過了大概十多分鐘,旁邊的電話突然響起來了,來電話的不是別人,正是湯平疆師兄。湯平疆師兄用驚恐到極點的聲音顫抖著向佛陀上師報告說:出大事了,我們的車子被一輛大卡車撞到後,將一輛三輪車撞飛到溝裡去了,我們的車子後半部都沒有了,也不知道死了幾 個人,滿地滿溝都是血,但是撞我們的大卡車逃跑了,小禹攔了一輛汽車去追了,趕緊求佛陀上師加持。佛陀上師接完電話後便立刻修法加持他們,又過了約半小時,湯平疆師兄再度來電話向佛陀上師稟報說:被撞的是一對夫妻,全部重傷,丈夫的腳被撞斷了,頭部流血不 止,剛才一直昏迷不醒,連呼吸都幾乎沒有了,現在有一點氣,救護車正準備送他們去醫院搶救。這時,佛陀上師出了一口長氣,對我說:『眾生就是這麼可憐,我們只能盡力去幫助他們,願他們能平安。』後來,雖然他們的腿骨、肋骨都斷了,內臟也受重傷,但總算奇蹟般地生還。
這件真實不虛的事情是我親身經歷的,當時我就在佛陀上師老人家的身邊,沒有離開過,佛陀上師連座位都沒有離開。佛法的偉大真是不可思議,在事情還沒有發生時,佛陀上師就已經知道結果了。更不可思議的是,佛陀上師在數十公里之外加持重傷垂死的人,使他們脫離生命危險。佛法真是很偉大,佛陀上師悲憫眾生的偉大胸懷、救度眾生的無比威力真是無法用語言和文字表述,我們偉大的佛陀上師雲高益西諾布的證境證德哪裡是我們普通眾生能智曉的呢?一句話, 我們真是渺小得可憐,佛陀上師真是太無私、太善良、太慈悲、太偉大了!
弟子:黎德和 叩上
A Holy Occurrence That I Inadvertenly Saw
The following occurrence took place one day in mid1996. In order to register the car of my Buddha Master, H.H. Wan Ko Yeshe Norbu, a rubbing had to be made of the number on the engine. We were unable to make that rubbing ourselves. Therefore, at 19 Xinhua West Road in Chengdu, China, I reported to the Buddha Master that the car must be driven to the Bureau of Motor Vehicles. They have a special machine there that can produce rubbings of engine numbers. As soon as the Buddha Master heard me say that the car would be driven away, His Holiness immediately interrupted me and said, “Dehe, quickly go and tell Xiaoyu not to drive his car out. Hurry! Hurry! Hurry!”
Hearing such urgency in the Buddha Master’s voice, I rushed out the door. I saw that the car of Xiaoyu and the others had just left. Although I called out to them, they did not hear me because of all the street noise. I ran after the car a short distance but could not catch up with it. I saw that they made a right turn and drove the car away. I returned to the Buddha Master and reported, “I could not stop them. I saw them drive away, but they could not hear my shouts.” The Buddha Master replied, “How terrible. They are doomed.” I asked the Buddha Master what the problem was and whether I could do anything. The Buddha Master answered, “You cannot do anything. Wait for the bad thing to happen.” The Buddha Master did not say one more word after that.
After more than about ten minutes, a phone next to me began to ring. The person calling was none other than fellow-disciple Pingjiang Tang. In a terrified and shaking voice, brother Pingjiang Tang reported to the Buddha Master that a great misfortune had occurred. He said that after their car was hit by a large truck, it crashed into a pedicab, causing that pedicab to fly into a ditch. The back half of their car was gone. He did not know how many people died in the accident. The site of the accident and the ditch were filled with blood. The large truck that hit them fled the scene. Xiaoyu was able to stop another car, got into it, and chased after the truck. Brother Pingjiang Tang hastened to beseech empowerment from the Buddha Master. After the Buddha Master finished the phone call, His Holiness immediately practiced dharma to empower (bless) them.
Around a half hour later, brother Pingjiang Tang telephoned again. He reported to the Buddha Master that a husband and wife were hit in the pedicab and were seriously injured. The husband’s foot was broken and his head was bleeding incessantly. A short while ago he had fallen into unconsciousness and was barely breathing but now has a little bit of breath in him. An ambulance was getting ready to take them to the hospital for emergency treatment. At this time, the Buddha Master exhaled a long breath and said to me, “Living beings are just this pitiable. All we can do is try our best to help them in the hope that they will be at peace.” Although that husband and wife sustained broken legs and ribs as well as serious injuries to their internal organs, in the end they miraculously survived.
This is a true story that I personally experienced. I was at the side of the Buddha Master and did not leave His Holiness. The Buddha Master did not even get up from His seat. The magnificence of the Buddha-dharma is truly incredible. The Buddha Master already knew the results before the accident even occurred. What is even more incredible is that from several dozen kilometers away the Buddha Master empowered (blessed) people who had suffered serious injuries and were on the brink of death, saving them from a life-threatening situation. The Buddha-dharma is truly magnificent. It is truly impossible to describe orally or in writing the magnificent heart of the Buddha Master that takes pity upon living beings and the incomparable power of the Buddha Master that saves living beings. How can we as ordinary living beings understand the state of realization and virtue that our magnificent Buddha Master, H.H. Wan Ko Yeshe Norbu, possesses? In short, we truly are pitifully tiny. The Buddha Master truly is extremely selfless, extremely kind, extremely compassionate, and extremely magnificent!
Disciple: Dehe Li kowtows to the Buddha Master
Written in Vancouver, Canada on August 24, 2007
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