












     我的法名是波迪溫圖仁波且。1995年末,在中國四川,我成為尊貴的 多杰羌佛第三世 雲高益西諾布頂聖如來的弟子。我要講述兩個反映出 三世多杰羌佛 妙諳五明的事例。


      我從四川回到美國之後,開始將 三世多杰羌佛開示的十盤佛法開示帶由中文翻譯成英文。另有一位師兄協助我作此翻譯。


     1998年的某一天, 三世多杰羌佛 在美國參訪時,一位師兄洛桑嘉措仁波且和我到三世多杰羌佛 下榻的地方去拜見 三世多杰羌佛,主要是呈交這些開示的翻譯請 三世多杰羌佛 審查。這些翻譯是放在密封好的信封裏。我們剛剛向 三世多杰羌佛 頂完禮,尚未呈交翻譯之前, 三世多杰羌佛 即說:「你們的功德很大,並且對眾生作了很大的貢獻。雖然你們今天帶來的翻譯中包含了一些小問題,但它仍對西方人士會有很大的益處。」在我們甚至未報告之前, 三世多杰羌佛 就已經知道我們要報告什麼了。這令我非常地感動,並且師兄洛桑嘉措仁波且與我一起將裝有翻譯的密封信封呈交給 三世多杰羌佛 。 


      第二個事例發生在1999年。我和其他的師兄弟陪同 三世多杰羌佛 到密蘇里州, 三世多杰羌佛 在那裏榮獲了美國大學聯盟所頒發的佛教、藝術和宗教研究的榮譽博士學位。在頒獎儀式之後,我們所有的人一起共進晚餐。出席的有許多大學校長和教授們。有一位宗教大學的校長問道:『是否可以向大師(注:大師即是指 三世多杰羌佛 ,下同)提問?』 三世多杰羌佛 回答說:「隨你們提問,我所有的答案都將會讓你們滿意的。」 三世多杰羌佛 輕而易舉地回答了所提的全部問題,大家對 三世多杰羌佛 非常欽佩。這位宗教大學的校長提問了最刁難的問題, 三世多杰羌佛 卻輕易地就作了回答,讓這位校長感到慚愧。當大家無話可問時,美國大學聯盟的主席對 三世多杰羌佛 所作的回答感到震驚,他突然在他自己的臉頰上各摑了一記耳光並且又激動又高聲地說:「這些年我白活了,今天大師的回答真正令我開了眼界。」宗教大學的校長則讚嘆 三世多杰羌佛 的智慧真是太高了。由此可見 三世多杰羌佛 的智慧是何等的圓滿!


      我還有許多其它有關 三世多杰羌佛 妙諳五明的事例可以講述。然而,因為篇幅有限,我將停止於此。願這本書給所有眾生帶來福報,願它能幫助眾生從輪迴的痛苦中得到解脫。 








Westerners Express Their Admiration for H.H. Dorje Chang Buddha III


      My Buddhist name is Bodi Wentu Rinpoche. I became a disciple of H.H. Dorje Chang Buddha III Wan Ko Yeshe Norbu Holiest Tathagata in Sichuan, China in late 1995. I would like to relate two examples that reflect H.H. Dorje Chang Buddha III’s highest mastery of the Five Vidyas. 


      After I returned to the United States from Sichuan, I began translating from Chinese into English ten discourses on the Buddha-dharma given by H.H. Dorje Chang Buddha III. A fellow disciple named Losang Gyatso Rinpoche assisted me in that translation. 


      One day in 1998 when H.H. Dorje Chang Buddha III was visiting the United States, Losang Gyatso Rinpoche and I went to the place where H.H. Dorje Chang Buddha III was staying to pay our respects to him and present the translation of those discourses to His Holiness for His Holiness’s review. The translation was put in sealed envelopes. Right after we prostrated to H.H. Dorje Chang Buddha III but before we presented the translation to His Holiness, H.H. Dorje Chang Buddha III said, “You have earned great merit and made a great contribution to living beings. Although the translation that you brought today contains some minor mistakes, it will still be of great benefit to westerners.” Before we even reported anything to H.H. Dorje Chang Buddha III, His Holiness already knew what we wanted to report. This moved me very much. Losang Gyatso Rinpoche and I then presented to H.H. Dorje Chang Buddha III the sealed envelopes containing the translation. 


      The second example occurred in 1999. I and other fellow disciples accompanied H.H. Dorje Chang Buddha III to Missouri, where H.H. Dorje Chang Buddha III received an honorary doctorate degree in Buddhism, Art, and Religious Studies from the American League of Colleges and Universities. After the presentation ceremony, all of us sat down to eat dinner. There were a number of college and university deans, presidents, and professors in attendance. The president of a religious college asked whether questions could be posed to His Holiness. H.H. Dorje Chang Buddha III responded, “Ask whatever questions you would like to ask. All of my answers will satisfy you.” H.H. Dorje Chang Buddha III answered all of the questions posed with total ease, which evoked great admiration. The president of that religious college asked the most difficult question, which H.H. Dorje Chang Buddha III easily answered, causing the president to blush with embarrassment. When there were no more questions, the chairman of the American League of Colleges and Universities expressed how awestruck he was with the answers of H.H. Dorje Chang Buddha III by suddenly slapping himself once on each cheek. He then excitedly and loudly stated that he has lived in vain for all of these years and that the answers of H.H. Dorje Chang Buddha III had truly opened his eyes. The president of the religious university also marveled at the wisdom that H.H. Dorje Chang Buddha III displayed that evening. One can see from this how complete the wisdom of H.H. Dorje Chang Buddha III is. 


      There are many other examples I could relate concerning H.H. Dorje Chang Buddha III’s highest mastery of the Five Vidyas and His Holiness’s great compassion toward living beings. However, due to limited space, I will stop here. May this book be a blessing for all living beings, and may it aid in liberating them from the sufferings of reincarnation. 



Buddhist disciple, Bodi Wentu 






南無 第三世多杰羌佛











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