
H.H.第三世多杰羌佛 五明展顯 第九大類-金剛聖針的威力



H.H.第三世多杰羌佛 五明展顯第九大類-金剛聖針的威力.jpg









      我叫付光芬,從小體弱多病,長大母親對我說:「女兒!你從小體質差,去學醫,對身體有好處,又不用體力勞累。」1958年我就開始跟師學習中醫。由於多生累劫業力之病,並未隨我學醫的知識和行醫經驗而減少,疾病總是跟著我轉。1978年連續幾年胃潰瘍大部出 血、屙血、吐血。到1981年只好做胃大部切除術,術後身體更差,進食少,臉色蒼白,說話有氣無力,精神衰弱,行動緩慢,常常不能上班。直到1987年在友人的關心幫助下見到我的佛陀恩師多杰羌佛第三世雲高益西諾布頂聖如來。當他老人家了解我的疾苦、貧困時,對我 非常慈悲關心,為我打一針金剛聖針,叫我把足三里現出來,佛陀恩師就蹲下來為我打針,一針下去佛陀恩師就說:「注意!我要運功了。」當佛陀恩師在我的面前結個手印一比,我立即感到麻木脹痛,全身發熱出毛毛汗,佛陀恩師聽到我叫痛連連,就把手印放開,我立即感到剛才的麻木脹痛都沒有了,只感到身體從來沒有的輕鬆舒適。 佛陀恩師接著說:「這一針為你打通經絡脈結,你太貧血了。」當時的我還未皈依學佛,佛陀恩師對我及一切眾生都當親人對待,平等施予大悲援手。1988年我才知道要皈依學佛,離苦得樂,走解脫成就之 路。跟隨三世多杰羌佛陀上師後,我身體一天天好起來,面色紅潤 了,神清氣爽了,說話聲音洪亮,行走有力,慢慢體悟到佛陀上師是多麼偉大,佛法真實不虛。見到我的人都說:「這兩年你完全變了,不像以前弱不禁風樣。」最讓他們不可思議的事,我去西藏、青海高 原缺氧的地方回來身體無恙。由於受佛陀上師教誨加持,我的醫學水平提高了,參加全縣考試首取中醫醫師資格證書,參加省、市考試取得主治中醫醫師資格證書,醫院為我掛專家門診牌,病人一天比一天多,很多遠、近疑難病症經我治癒。在當地小有名氣,我擁有的一切 一切全是學佛後,佛陀上師教誨加持給予的,佛陀法王上師對我恩重如山,點點滴滴都烙印我心中。 


      我記得大約是1989年的一天,佛陀恩師的弟子劉子芳到新都南新區的家,求佛陀恩師救她,她說她這個病好多年了,痛起來要命、要 倒。國內各大醫院都去過了,花了很多錢就是不見效。當時只見她面色青暗,全身強直,不停叫疼痛難忍,一會倒地不起,面無人色,佛 陀恩師立刻為她打金剛聖針加持她,由於休克,下針時她並無反應, 過一會取針時劉大姐清醒並站立起來說她不痛了。每當我看到佛陀恩師金剛聖針的神奇,我就更想學打這個聖針。有天我對佛陀恩師說:「佛陀恩師您教我神針,我好去救治其他病人。」佛陀恩師對我輕言細語地說:「光芬,你功力不夠,以後再說。」有一次我見到台灣的喜饒根登仁波且也向佛陀恩師求學,佛陀恩師卻說:「你的功力不夠,以後再說。」 




      跟隨佛陀恩師十多年,弟子光芬從一個不懂學佛修行的人到如何才能成為三門合一的佛弟子,無私利人的人,在佛陀恩師加持和歷代祖師傳承力的加持下,形成一種果德,才能使佛弟子走向解脫成就之路,佛陀恩師無與倫比的恩德加持下,佛子內心才升起了菩提心,自 覺覺他。佛陀恩師對弟子及一切眾生施以慈悲、關愛、呵護加持有加,無以言表,如人飲水,冷暖自知。深感佛恩難報,唯有發願生生世世做佛陀之子,虔誠恭敬皈向依傍永恆的佛陀上師,只有佛陀上師才能帶佛弟子出離生死輪迴苦海,走解脫成就、了生脫死成佛渡生之 路,擔佛菩薩荷擔家業,報佛恩。 




佛弟子 付光芬講述敬呈 




The Power of the Holy Vajra Needle



      My name is Guang-Fen Fu. Since I was young, I have been physically weak and often ill. When I became an adult, my mother told me, “Daughter! You have had a weak constitution since you were young. Go and learn medicine. This will be good for your health, and you will not become weary through exerting too much physical strength.” 


      In 1958, I began following a teacher to learn traditional Chinese medicine. Because my illnesses resulted from the power of karma accumulated through many lifetimes and eons, my illnesses did not decrease as my knowledge of medicine and my experience in practicing medicine grew. Disease constantly followed me wherever I went. 


      In 1978 and the following few years, I suffered from a gastric ulcer in which most of my stomach hemorrhaged. During that time, I also discharged blood when going to the bathroom and vomited blood. In 1981, I had no choice but to undergo surgery to cut out most of my stomach. My health was even worse after the surgery. My food intake lessened, my face became pale, I spoke without any vigor, my spirit was weak, my movements were slow, and I often could not go to work. 


      As result of the care and assistance given to me by a friend, in 1987 I met my respected Buddha Master, H.H. Dorje Chang Buddha III Wan Ko Yeshe Norbu Holiest Tathagata. When His Holiness learned of my sufferings from illness and my strained financial circumstances, His Holiness showed immense compassion and concern. His Holiness treated me with the holy vajra needle. H.H. Buddha Master asked me to show His Holiness the acupuncture point on my foot called zu san li. My respected Buddha Master then squatted down and applied that needle to me. After the needle was applied, my respected Buddha Master then said, “Pay attention! I will now apply my dharma power.” 


      When my respected Buddha Master then put his hands into a mudra before me, I immediately began to feel numbness, a swelling sensation, and pain. My whole body emitted heat, and I was slightly perspiring. When my respected Buddha Master heard me repeatedly scream in pain, His Holiness released his hands from that mudra. I instantly felt that the numbness, swelling, and pain that I had just experienced had disappeared. The only thing I felt was a relaxed and comfortable feeling that my body had never before experienced. My respected Buddha Master then said, “This needle was used to open your energy channels and chakras. You are too anemic.” 


      At that time, I had not yet become a Buddhist or learned Buddhism. My respected Buddha Master treated me and all other living beings as his own family members, equally lending them a helping hand out of great compassion. In 1988, I knew that I wanted to convert to and learn Buddhism in order to leave suffering, attain happiness, and walk the path leading to accomplishment in the dharma and liberation from the cycle of reincarnation. 


      After following H.H. Buddha Master, my health has improved day by day, my complexion is ruddy, my spirit is clear, my voice is resonant, and I walk with vigor. I gradually understood just how magnificent H.H. Buddha Master is. I also came to gradually comprehend the realness of the Buddhadharma. Those who see me now say, “You have totally changed in the last two years. You don’t look so frail as you did before.” What they found most difficult to believe is that I returned from my trip to the plateaus of Tibet and Qinghai, which are places that lack oxygen, without any adverse health effects. 


      Because I received H.H. Buddha Master’s teachings and empowerment, I advanced in the area of medicine. I took a countywide test and was the first to receive a certificate of qualification as a doctor of traditional Chinese medicine. I took provincial and municipal tests and obtained certificates qualifying me as a “doctor-in-charge” who practices traditional Chinese medicine. The hospital put a sign up for me that read “expert outpatient service.” My patients have increased day by day. I have cured patients near and far of their difficult and complicated illnesses. As a result, I have a bit of fame in the local area where I live. Everything that I have is due to the teachings and empowerment that the Buddha Master bestowed upon me after I began learning Buddhism. The kindness and grace H.H. Buddha Master conferred upon me are as enormous as a mountain. Each and every bit of his kindness and grace is indelibly etched in my heart. 


      I remember one day around the year 1989. Zi-Fang Liu, a disciple of my respected Buddha Master, went to the home of my respected Buddha Master in the Nanxin District of Xindu. She beseeched my respected Buddha Master to save her. She said that her illness has lasted many years, that it is acutely painful, and that she is about to collapse. She had been to all of the major hospitals in China and had spent a lot of money, all to no avail. I saw that her complexion was unnaturally dark and that her whole body was rigid. She constantly complained about her unbearable pain. 


      Then, she suddenly fell to the ground and did not get up. She looked ghastly pale. My respected Buddha Master immediately treated her with the holy vajra needle in order to empower her. Because she was in a state of shock, she did not have any reaction when the needle was applied. After a short while, Sister Liu regained consciousness, stood up, and stated she was no longer in pain. 


      Every time I saw the wonders of my respected Buddha Master’s holy vajra needle, I had an even greater desire to learn how to apply that holy needle. One day I said to my respected Buddha Master, “Respected Buddha Master, teach me how to apply that amazing needle so that I may cure more patients.” My respected Buddha Master said to me in a soft tone of voice, “Guang-Fen, your powers are insufficient. Let’s put that matter aside for the time being.” One time I saw Hsi Jao Ken Ten Rinpoche, who is from Taiwan, also ask my respected Buddha Master to teach him how to apply that amazing needle. My respected Buddha Master replied, “Your powers areinsufficient. Let’s put that matter aside for the time being.” 


      I later learned that the source of the effectiveness of the holy vajra needle is my respected Buddha Master’s state of realization and virtue and the power of his merit. With a holy mind of enlightenment and great compassion, His Holiness assists living beings with physical illnesses, psychological illnesses, as well as living beings who are suffering due to the power of karma. Furthermore, His Holiness constantly and compassionately empowers living beings through his teachings, thereby enabling them to extricate themselves from suffering and find the key to curing and preventing disease. I have followed H.H. Buddha Master for more than ten years. I, Guang-Fen, have evolved from a person who did not understand anything about learning Buddhism and self-cultivation to a Buddhist disciple striving to integrate wisdom, compassion, and skillful means and a person striving to be selfless. Based upon empowerment from my respected Master’s practice and from the lineage of great masters throughout generations, a type of merit of the fruit of Buddhahood exerts its influence, causing Buddhist disciples to walk the path toward liberation and accomplishment in the dharma. With the incomparable kindness and empowerment of my respected Buddha Master, Buddhist disciples give rise to bodhicitta and strive to enlighten themselves and others. The compassion, care, and protection my respected Buddha Master bestows upon his disciples and all living beings cannot be described in words. To know what I am saying, you have to experience it yourself. 


      I deeply feel that the kindness and grace shown to me by my Buddha Master is difficult to repay. All that I can do is resolve to be a disciple of the Buddha in all of my future lives and devoutly and respectfully turn to and rely upon the eternal Buddha Master. Only a Buddha Master can lead Buddhist disciples out of the bitter sea of reincarnation and lead them toward liberation, accomplishment in the dharma, ending of the cycle of birth and death, becoming a Buddha, saving other living beings, undertaking the cause of the Buddhas and Bodhisattvas, and repaying the kindness of the Buddhas. 


      This year I have passed sixty-five years of age. What I have written above is my own true personal experience. I have not lied. If what I wrote above contains lies, I am willing to descend into the Avici Hell (hell of uninterrupted suffering). If what I wrote above is true, I offer the merit of this writing to my magnificent Buddha Master who is like my father and mother. I also dedicate such merit to all of my vajra Brothers and Sisters so that they attain enlightenment soon, and to all sentient beings on the six paths of reincarnation. Amitabha! 


Written and respectfully submitted by Buddhist disciple,

 Guang-Fen Fu 

April 16, 2006





南無 第三世多杰羌佛
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