音 韻
簡 介
多杰羌佛第三世雲高益西諾布頂聖如來由於是真正的古佛,所以成就是無量資的,多不勝數。如果以世間法的學科來分類的話,三世多杰羌佛也是科學家、文學家、哲學家、醫學家、藝術家等等大家,他的歌聲更是世界絕唱,無論是山呼海嘯、盪擊乾坤的金剛雷鳴之曲,還是幽雅飄逸婉轉銷魂之詞,都達到了「吉祥梵天音蒼起,雅淑歌奏妙音和」的境界。 他的歌及歌詞都含有佛法的義理,予人為善,授人智慧,助人利益,而且從曲韻、造詞、歌唱全是三世多杰羌佛一人完成,並有很多盤專集帶,包括有的歌唱家們也向三世多杰羌佛求學,如被譽為『歌神』的張學友即是三世多杰羌佛的弟子。
Vocal Mastery
Because H.H. Dorje Chang Buddha III Wan Ko Yeshe Norbu Holiest Tathagata is a true ancient Buddha, His Holiness’s accomplishments are limitless and countless. If categorized into worldly branches of learning, H.H. Dorje Chang Buddha III is a scientist, writer, philosopher, healer, artist, and great master of many other fields. His Holiness is also a vocalist whose songs are unique masterpieces. Whether singing in a robust, resonant, stirring, and thunderous manner, or in a quietly elegant, floating, light, sweet, and captivating manner, His Holiness’s vocal performances are marvelous and heavenly. His Holiness’s songs and lyrics contain true Buddha-dharma. They teach goodness, impart wisdom, and benefit people. Moreover, H.H. Dorje Chang Buddha III composes the melody, writes the lyrics, and sings these songs all by Himself. There are many audiotapes and CD’s of these songs. Even expert vocalists have sought the guidance of H.H. Dorje Chang Buddha III on singing. An example of this is a disciple of H.H. Dorje Chang Buddha III by the name of Jacky Cheung, who is known as a tremendous singer.